We are about to launch to the public!
Arbitrage is a license to print money. When you do it right... and:
The Tiger knows how to deliver.
Arbitrage is buying a security in one market and simultaneously selling it in another at a higher price, profiting from the temporary difference in prices.
Arab Tiger is a relentless and restless advanced AI. Working for you 24/7 365.
What Makes Arbitrage Low-Risk?
Arbitrage is considered low- (or no-) risk because it doesn't involve additional capital; it's merely buying in one market and selling in another. And, since the price difference is so low, the amount risked is usually low, too.
We are the Arab Tiger. We hold the technology and we have the ROAR!
Our founders use their own money.
Your involvement can only be on the basis that you understand fully that your investment is at risk and that markets are volatile. Adults only. At your own risk!
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Doors will open to outside investment on Valentines Day 2024. Full details are found in our investors pack, which is available upon request... so get in touch!
Yes. Absolutely. Only invest money into Arab Tiger that you are fully prepared to lose. Of course, we want to show you a return on your investment. We want you to love the Tiger and tell the world about us... in a good way! However, we make no guarantees.
The identity of the visionaries who created Arab Tiger is a closely held secret. Only our professional investors know the people behind the power, you, as a retail investor may well never look into the Tigers eye... bring us investment, bring us ideas and we may bring you into the inner circle. If you are not happy with this shroud of mystery... then you are advised not to invest your time and money into this project. Tigers have no time for sheep.
A retail investor is a nonprofessional investor who buys and sells securities, mutual funds or ETFs through a brokerage firm or savings account. In this particular instance, YOU; as a retail investor in Arab Tiger will open your account with us, by paying us money (your investment capital) which we will hold for a pre-agreed fixed period of time; while you watch the funds grow... or dwindle... never risk money you are not willing to lose. Our retail investors guide will provide full detail of how you can invest money and how you can withdraw money from Arab Tiger.
We're here to help with any questions you might have on investing, or understanding this fast-evolving market. Send us a message if you'd like to learn more!
The Great Pyramid of Giza, Al Haram, Nazlet El-Semman, Al Haram, Egypt - Please note that we do not operate out of the Great Pyramid.... YET!
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